Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Seminar Pecutan UPSR 2010

Seminar Pecutan UPSR 2010
(Science & Maths)
Bertempat di Pusat Tuisyen graduan Muda
, Sek 7, kota Damansara
Tarikh : 8 Ogos 2010 
dari 9 pagi - 5 petang
Penceramah : Science ( Cikgu Noor Hashimi Hassan)
Penanda kertas UPSR Science
Penceramah Mathematics: Cikgu Nizam
Berpengalaman selama hampir 8 tahun dalam bidang e-pendidikan

Di antara yang hadir

Diharapkan pelajar yang hadir dapat memanfaatkan segala tips-tips peperiksaan dan ilmu yg dicurah

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Congratulation to Mr. now has it own dedicated server..before this we're using share hosting..that's not available now to accomodate a large number of student..
So, we're hope all the client that using will enjoy the performance...

Who are registered under PTGM (Pusat tuisyen Graduan Muda) in full package, u're absolutely FREE!!! registered in
So come and register now!!!

free of charge...cikgu2u have been using by our student at PTGM centre